small Act BIG Impact

Small Act, Big Impact is more than just a motto for us at Aloka, it is the heart of what we do. Aloka was started with a mission to help underprivileged and vulnerable communities in Myanmar through the sale of handicrafts. By working with local artisans, we are able to provide them with a sustainable income, which in turn helps to improve the overall quality of life for those in the community.

In a world where it often feels like the problems are too big and too many to make a dent in, it is easy to feel powerless. And for a society like Myanmar which has just been rocked by a violent coup launched by a professional military, one can feel even more hopeless. But the truth is, even the smallest act of kindness can make a big impact in the lives of others.

Aloka was founded with the belief that everyone has the power to make a positive difference in the world, no matter how small. With this in mind, we work with individuals to provide training and support in livelihoods such as handicrafts, textiles, woodwork, and other small businesses. As a result of your purchases, Aloka is able to provide much-needed assistance to those who are struggling to make ends meet, as they are able to connect with customers far beyond their home.

What makes Aloka unique is its focus on the individual as well as local communities. We would like to think that we are proof that even the smallest act can make a big impact.