Be a Supplier

Our organization is committed to promoting sustainability in vulnerable communities throughout Myanmar. We are open to the possibility of expanding our platform to include additional designs and handicrafts. Before we agree to cooperate with any new partners, we conduct a thorough assessment to ensure that they meet our high standards of quality control.

Be a Team Member

As a result of the military coup, Burmese people, both in the country as well as refugees living along the border of Thailand and India, face many financial challenges and other hardships. To help, Aloka is creating more part-time positions. This will allow more people to get involved with our good work, and get compensated for their time.


Aloka is more than happy to use our products, along with our overall platform, to contribute towards the fundraising efforts of other organizations and groups to benefit the democracy movement in Myanmar, as well as humanitarian aid projects. If you have an upcoming initiative, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our nonprofit Better Burma and its affiliates Insight Myanmar Podcast and Myanmar Revolutionary Tales, can also come in to support your effort. Let us all work together to help achieve a more equitable society.

Be our advisers

We thank you for any feedback, which can provide us with valuable suggestions that are essential for our growth. This in turn can benefit more people in the long run. Please do know that you are contributing to a good cause, and feel proud of that. We are happy to hear from you!